Are You Eating Enough Fruits & Vegetables?

Fruits and veggies play an important role in our overall well-being as no diet is balanced without them.

God had a keen sense of understanding the extent and maximum benefits fruits and veggies will serve us and so he made them in great abundance ranging from different colors, shapes, and sizes each of them with its own unique nutrients, replenishing and nourishing our body systems.

Research holds that enough fruits and vegetables should be consumed on a scale of 4-5 different kinds of vegetables + 2 different kinds of fruits per day for maximum health benefits.

The Beauty Of Fruits & Veggies

1. Fruits and vegetables are best eaten raw or pureed into smoothies.

2. Instead of cooking your vegetables that require heat, steaming, baking or grilling is best advised and this has to be done with caution some nutrients and phytochemicals, can be damaged but with the exemption of some veggies that contain carotenoids nutrients which may be increased if cooked and a good example of such is tomatoes.

3. Aim for a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to get the most nutrients and appeal.

4. Always add fruits and vegetables to your recipes

5. Use the diverse colors and textures of vegetables/fruits to make your meals interesting and attractive.

6. Try a rainbow of colorful fruits and vegetables every day to get the full range of maximum health benefits.

7. Think of new and interesting ways to serve your fruits and vegetables.

8. Take advantage of the fruits in seasons

9. Fruits and vegetables can be handy snack food easily carried to work and to school

Adequate Consumption Of Fruits & Veggies Benefits

1. Keeps your skin glowing, smooth, fresh and healthy. You won't even worry about pimple/acne

2. Encourages healthy hair growth

3. Reduces obesity and maintains a healthy weight

4. Prevents cancer and heart disease

5. Deals with high blood pressure and diabetes

6. Improves our vision

7. Boost fertility

8. Keep our bowel movement in proper order

9. Keeps u healthy that you won't need to be a hospital customer

10. Keeps u energized at all times

The wonderful benefits of fruits and veggies consumption are nothing to be compared with. Take advantage of it.

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