Stinging nettle has a variety of benefits. It can help people with many ailments which are commonplace today.

Here Are The Benefits Of Stinging Nettle

1. Natural Way to Detox Your Body: If you are looking for ways to detox your body naturally, stinging nettle can be of help. It is a natural diuretic that helps aid in flushing toxins from your system. Also, it is excellent for your gut health and digestion. Stinging nettle can also help boost your lymphatic system to rid toxins in your body this way too.

2. Helps with Painful Labor: Are you someone considering natural childbirth? Speak with your doctor about adding stinging nettle to your birthing plan. Stinging nettle is said to help ease childbirth pains when they are excruciating. it is also a natural coagulant which is helpful in case of excessive bleeding during childbirth.

3. Aids in Nursing a Child: After your baby is born, you may consider nursing. Though this is a natural bodily function, some women face difficulties. If your body is struggling to produce enough milk, one stinging nettle can encourage milk production to make nursing a little easier.

4. Natural Remedy for PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome): Stinging nettle has many benefits for women which is why it should not be a surprise. It can also help with PMS. If you suffer from cramping and bloating associated with this time of the month, try ingesting stinging nettle to find natural relief.

5. Lighter Monthly Menstrual Flow: Some women face cumbersome menstrual cycles. It can be debilitating in some cases. If you are looking for a natural option to help with this issue, talk to your doctor about stinging nettle. Stinging nettle is a natural coagulant. It can help reduce your flow and minimize blood loss during this time.

6. Helps with Menopause: After stinging nettle gets you through heavy menstrual cycles, PMS, childbirth, and nursing, it will help with menopause too. Stinging nettle can help soothe your hormones and make this time in your life a little less traumatic for your body.

7. Good for Blood Flow: Stinging nettle is high in both vitamin C and iron, which helps to boost your red cell production and can also help fight fatigue and anemia. When your red blood cell count increases, this can also help to speed up wound recovery. Stinging nettle is excellent for your all-over blood flow.

8. Kidney Stone Preventative: I have not had a kidney stone, thankfully. I have friends who have suffered from them, and they are extremely painful from what they have said. If you are someone who suffers from kidney stones, try stinging nettle. It can break down kidney stones, and because stinging nettle is also and because stinging nettle is also a diuretic, it can help prevent bladder infections and fluid retention.

9. Natural Anti-inflammatory: Inflammation is our body's natural response to trauma which might not be harmful in small doses. However, when our body is constantly inflamed it causes problems. stinging nettle is a natural anti-inflammatory and can help heal ailments such as gout, arthritis, and muscle pain.

10. Good for Your Bones: Do you struggle with bone health? It would help if you tried stinging nettle. It contains boron which helps the bones in your body maintain their calcium content. If you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis or are at risk of developing this disease, talk to your doctor about stinging nettle. It is said to help slow osteoporosis.

11. Good for Respiratory System: When you struggle with respiratory health, it can be challenging to perform any task. Stinging nettle is a natural treatment for hay fever, allergies, and even asthma. For best results, you should consume stinging nettle tea regularly. If it helps you to breathe better, it might be worth it.

12. Good for Your Heart: With a herb that can do this much good, it shouldn’t come as a surprise. It is also good for your heart. It can help lower your blood pressure. But stinging nettle also lowers the overall stress on your heart and cardiovascular system. It is most effective when consumed regularly.

13. Good for Prostate Health: If you are already facing an enlarged prostate or prostate cancer, you should undoubtedly continue treatment. However, please speak with your doctor about adding stinging nettle because though it can’t reverse effects on your prostate, it can help prevent your prostate from becoming more enlarged.

14. Produces Healthy Skin: Having healthy skin can make you feel like a whole new person. This is why I love how helpful stinging nettle can be in helping with this. If you struggle with acne or bacterial infection on your skin, stinging nettle can help. It can also help improve healing and reduce signs of scars. Plus, stinging nettle can help reduce signs of aging, such as age spots and wrinkles.

15. Helps With Stomach Ailments: Having tummy troubles can sometimes feel like the worst. Well, stinging nettle to the rescue again. It can help to reduce both nausea and diarrhea. Stinging nettle can also help to reduce ulcers and hemorrhoids as well. When your stomach hurts, it is good to know you have a natural remedy at your disposal.

16. Eczema Relief: Eczema can be extremely uncomfortable. Stinging nettle can help soothe this ailment too. You can take it in supplement form to help soothe eczema internally and apply stinging nettle topically to soothe it externally.

17. Lowers Blood Sugar: High blood sugar can result in type 2 diabetes in some cases. Diabetes is a complicated disease to manage and can cause many more problems. Well, stinging nettle can help level blood sugars in your body and also help to improve struggles with insulin resistance as well.

18. Helps with Severe Burns: If you have ever had a severe burn, you know how painful the healing process can be. The main focus when dealing with severe burns is to speed up the process of healing and battle infections. Stinging nettle can help with both. It can help speed up the healing process, and it can also help battle infections that would attack your skin.

Stinging Nettle Tea 

One of the most common ways to ingest stinging nettle is by making it into tea. This tea is simple to make, but there are a few tricks to it. Here’s what you need to know to make stinging nettle tea.

1. Protect Yourself: When you go to harvest stinging nettle, you should protect yourself against the stings of stinging nettle. It has points on the leaves that will catch your skin and cause it to sting for an hour or more. Therefore, you should cover your hands and arms when harvesting the stinging nettle. Use scissors to cut the first two layers of the plant. Be sure to leave what’s beneath this in place. Stinging nettle is a perennial which grows in most locations in the United States.

2. Get to Cooking: Pull the leaves from the stems and give them a quick rinse in cold water. Place the leaves in a saucepot with water. A general rule of thumb is two cups of water per every cup of stinging nettle leaves. Bring the pot to a low boil and turn to simmer. You’ll simmer the leaves for approximately two minutes. Again, another rule of thumb, if you’d like a stronger flavored tea, allow the leaves to steep in the water for a more extended amount of time. If you’d prefer a milder flavor, add more water to the leaves. When the leaves have finished steeping, pull the leaves from the pot. Pour the tea into a cup and add sweetener if you desire.

Also, if you decide to consume the leaves, take a small taste first to make sure their stinging effect is gone. You now know how to make stinging nettle tea and how consuming or utilizing stinging nettle can be of great benefit to your health.

Hopefully, this will help shed some light on a natural remedy for many people’s common ailments

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